This AVR ISP original by ATMEL you can found on "AVR software
and technical Library - April 2003" CD-rom.It small component count I design new PCB and change some component that easy to build small PCB.The new firmware was writen by John Samperi for AT90S2313 .This code can program more devices.
- Device support
Verified device
- Use power supply from target board
- RS-232 control at 19200 BPS
- Support AVR Studio 4
Schematic detail
The schematic for AVR ISP show in picture 1, IC1 DS275 use for RS-232 Driver becuase it small and no need external component IC2 AT90S2313 is the CPU to communication and receive command from PC that run AVR Prog to control target CPU. The wire from AVR ISP to target CPU not exceed 15 cm

This firmware compiled to run on crystal 4MHz ,so the target device must connect crystal 4MHz on XTAL1 and XTAL2 pin.But, if your target device use internal oscillator and enabled .its not need any external oscillator.
To use this AVR ISP with target device that run at 8MHz you can do this by recompile the firmware source code. Before recompile you need to change the line in source code as below
.equ xtal_8mhz=0 ; if 0 then 4MHz Xtal
Change to :
.equ xtal_8mhz=1 ; if 0 then 4MHz Xtal
After change firmware you can compiler it by Avrasm found from ATMEL web site
To use AVR ISP

Picture 3.Show how to use AVR ISP
Click here to Download
- Source code
- Object code(Hex)
- schematic
- AVRProg
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